Houston, TX August 07, 2012
Big bellies are the most serious concern for many figure conscious men and women around the world. It is true that a big tummy can completely spoil the beauty of an otherwise flawless physique. In a recently published article from HealthAvenger.com, it has been revealed that accumulation of fat in the mid section of the body can be attributed to a reduced rate of metabolism. Interestingly, the article informs that body weight is significantly influenced by different bacterial organisms that are found in the stomach. The article provides comprehensive scientific background behind the formation of these bacterial species and their role in increasing weight, particularly in the mid section of the body.
Even the most health conscious folks around may not know that human stomachs are home to approximately100 quintillion (1 quintillion is equal to 1 billion billions) different species of bacteria. A recent obesity review has disclosed that gut bacteria tends to interfere with the metabolism pattern when high amounts of fructose, sugar alcohols, or artificial sweeteners is consumed. These bacteria break down consumed food to produce short chain fatty acids. The presence of these fatty acids provides energy to our body. However, synthesis of too much of short chain fatty acids is harmful because they decrease satiety signals. ?This signaling may cause disruptions in our feeling full and hence prevent us from stopping to eat when we should?, says Amanda Payne, the lead author of the review.
HealthAvenger.com also informs that people habituated to drinking diet soda are highly vulnerable to larger tummies. Another obesity study has suggested that these people experience a five times increase in waist circumference over a period of ten years, comparing to others. The article strongly recommends readers to give up all forms of processed food, sweeteners, high fructose corn syrups, etc. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lots of water can be the key to success in staying away from accumulation of fat in the stomach. With a well crafted video, the website also informs how water can help in flushing out the system.
For more information on reducng belly fat by controlling gut bacteria and their actions, please visit http://healthavenger.com/put-soda-juices-flat-tummy.
Visitors will also find helpful information about weight loss products and trends, as well as how to become healthier and maintain wellness. Other articles like The Secrets of Paula Deen's weight loss can be found there.
For those who are serious about losing weight, the Health Avenger website is making available a report called "5 Sneaky Tricks to Triple Your Fat Loss Results Now". To get access one should go to: http://healthavenger.com/5-sneaky-fat-loss-tips.
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